Kleeair has supplied more than 100 baghouses on various type of Drying application handling complex material and at varied temperature range from 80 deg to 240 degrees.
- Kleenair has developed expertise in process filtration applications.
- Dryers such as spin flash, spray driers, Ring drier, rotary driers, pneumatic driers etc.
- Calcinations Plants
- Puiveriser discharge,classifier product collection
- Rotary Kilns, Cement Mill, Coal Mill.
- Kleenair has been able to achieve emission levels as low as 15mg/Nm3 on critical baghouses where inlet dust load in more than 1kg/m3, Boiler baghouses again has been kleenair area of expertise as the filtration becomes critical.
- Apart from temperature, issues needs to be tackled are Oxygen levels, So2 content, CO content.
- Many Baghouses are being supplied thru boiler manufactures and there are direct suppliers.